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Tips for consumers

Herbs have amazing flavours. Using the right herb can lift your dish to a higher level. Of course you can buy dried herbs in the supermarket, but isn’t it even more special when you grow them yourself? And besides giving an extra touch to your dish, herb plants like basil and mint also give an amazing scent in your kitchen.

The downside is that herb plants often need extra care. That is why we want to give you some tips to help you to keep your herb plants fresh, beautiful and well hydrated.

The name hydrangea comes from the Greek "hydor," meaning water, and "angos," meaning jar or vessel. This roughly translates to "water barrel," referring to the hydrangea's need for plenty of water. Because of this the hydrangea needs extra water to prevent wilting during transport and in the shop. A well suited pot size is very important to store enough water in the growing medium/soil. To give you an idea of how much water the hydrangea needs: it uses between 40 and 50 ml of water per day in standard conditions.

Summer is on its way and that's why we have only one thing on our minds: a beautiful garden. Lavender is the perfect addition with its wonderful colours and lovely smell. It also helps wild bees to thrive; a really important feature nowadays. How can we make this very attractive plant popular again?

All growers of roses know the devastating effects of Botrytis. Botrytis cinerea, which is its full name, is a fungus that causes flowers to turn brown and drop their petals. The infection starts with miniscule mould spores, spread through the air. Starting as a little white spot or ‘pock’ on the flower petals, it spreads right to the bottom of the flower. It gradually changes its colour to brown and finally all the petals fall off. In order to germinate, these spores need moisture.

The tulip is a very special flower; being a Dutch classic and a worldwide Spring favourite. A trademark of the tulip is that they tend to keep growing even when cut. This is described as stem elongation. Some people actually like this, but most don't want the tulips to keep growing once in the vase. And also as a florist the continued growth of the flower can be problematic, when used in mixed bouquets for example. As a florist there is not a lot you can do about stem elongation in tulips.

The Phalaenopsis belongs to the orchid family (Orchidaceae) and originates from the tropical rainforests in Asia, New Guinea and Australia. Nowadays the Phalaenopsis can be found in many living rooms too. Mainly because of its beautiful flowers, but also because it is a very low maintenance and extremely durable plant.

Water is essential for our planet, its ecosystem and people to survive and thrive. Reducing our water usage reduces the energy required to process and deliver it to homes, businesses, farms, and communities, which, in turn, helps to reduce pollution and conserve fuel resources. Water conservation requires forethought and effort, but every little bit helps. Don't think that what you do does not matter. We can all make changes! Small changes can have a big impact.

Our flower food products basically contain the following ingredients: a sugar, an organic acid and preservatives.  The preservatives are present in such low concentration, that when diluted therefore does not have an effect on the surface or on any cleaning process. In most cases the best thing to do with a spillage is to dilute the spill straight away with carbonated mineral water and then to wash normally using your normal washing powder and the method recommended for the actual garment. Our products have been extensively tested on a range of fabrics and soft furnishing mat

The holiday period is here. A great time for you to go away and relax. However this also means that you can’t always give your plants the love and attention that they need. Because we all want to come home to a house with green and healthy plants, we give you some advice:

When the wet and cold autumn months come to a close it is nearly time for one of our favourite times of year: Christmas! A time of being together with family and friends, presents, a Christmas tree, but also for beautiful plants like the Poinsettia. The Poinsettia is a real bestseller for the holidays. Nowadays the plant can be found in different colours, shapes and sizes. Since the Poinsettia is a really sensitive plant, we decided it is time for some care tips, so you can enjoy your Poinsettia all through the season.

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