Post-harvest treatment

Chrysal Alesco®

Chrysal Alesco® is a foliar spray to apply before shipping to avoid ethylene damage. It prevents shrinkage and premature dropping of buds, leaves and flowers. Ensures top quality plants throughout the chain. Ethylene sensitive potted plants that have been treated with Chrysal Alesco® have more blooms in retail.

Effects and Benefits


  • Protects effectively against ethylene damage.
  • Reduces flower petal shatter, bud abortion, leaf yellowing and extends flower longevity.
  • Increases retail shelf life up to 3 weeks depending on variety and environmental conditions.
  • Highly effective on ethylene sensitive crops such as Campanula, Dahlia, Dianthus, Hibiscus, New Guinea Impatiens, Lobelia, Pansy, Pelargonium, Petunia, Rose, Schlumbergera, and Viola.

Extra information

  • Available in a 250ml bottle.
  • For more information about Chrysal Alesco®, read our product sheet and FAQ.
  • Only available in the USA.

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

effect of Alesco on Campanula