customised sachets
customised sachets
Stand out from the competition
Customised Sachets
Our solutions keep cut flowers and potted plants fresh longer.
We aim to be the most sustainable partner.
Make flowers and plants last longer with our tips.
Where to buy
Find a wholesaler or online shop.

About Chrysal


Chrysal: Extending life on our planet

Our ambition is to set the standard for a flower industry with zero impact. We want to help all our partners reach their sustainability ambitions. We are ready to share and improve our vast knowledge. Together we can make a zero impact flower industry a reality.

More about Chrysal

sustainable packshots

Your sustainable partner

Sustainability is an integral part of who we are and how we work. We create a caring workplace for our employees and bring added value to the sustainability ambitions of our customers. Together we strive to set the standard for sustainability in our industry.

More about Sustainability

Katie Jane
Katie-Jane Hermes
Katie-Jane Professional Florist
Chrysal, a company I can trust to help me do an even better job for my clients!
Katie Jane

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Flower food

Chrysal Compostable sachet

Chrysal Compostable sachet is our 99% bio based flower food in a 100% industrial compostable

Chrysal Professional 2 Bag-in-Box

Our new Professional 2 Bag-in-Box contains up to 70% less plastic than our blue containers. Not

Chrysal Arrive Alive® Eco

NEW! Chrysal Arrive Alive ® Eco is an eco-friendly and innovative flower packaging that
Flower food

Chrysal Paper Sachet

Chrysal Paper Sachet contains our 99% bio based formula and is made of ECF pulp and has a bio
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