
Chrysal and Syngenta Flowers renew Alesco® partnership

12 April 2023

Ethylene damage is one of the biggest problems contributing to shrinkage at retail stores. In 2018 Chrysal and Syngenta Flowers joined forces to bring a solution to the market, Chrysal Alesco®. Today, Chrysal and Syngenta Flowers renew their partnership to continue offering this cost-effective post-harvest treatment to growers. 

 *Photo was taken 2 weeks after treatment and simulated shipping. Testing was performed at Syngenta Flowers, Gilroy, CA.


All ethylene-sensitive plants have ethylene receptors. When ethylene is nearby, it binds with the receptor and triggers the process of senescence, which causes symptoms like petal shatter, flower wilt, bud abortion, yellowing, etc. The active ingredient in Chrysal Alesco® works by binding with the receptor instead of ethylene and blocking those negative symptoms from happening.

A simple spray of Chrysal Alesco® a few days before shipping extends flower longevity and increases shelf life by up to 3 weeks, depending on the variety and environmental conditions. It is highly cost-effective; one small 200-ml bottle can treat 1 acre of crop for less than 1 cent per pot.

"Through extensive trialing, we have proven just how effective Chrysal Alesco® is in protecting many of our industry’s most important crops from the damaging effects of ethylene during transport. This includes geraniums from petal shatter and bud abortion and petunias from flower meltdown. Chrysal Alesco® is essential for making sure there is strong sell-through at retail and the best possible customer experience to keep them coming back for more," explains Alicain Carlson, Head of Technical Services for Syngenta Flowers. 

Often, growers lose control of product quality once it leaves the greenhouse. However, by applying Chrysal Alesco®, you have added assurance that plants will look just as stunning on the shelf as they did when they left your hands. More blooms lead to more sales, and Chrysal Alesco® offers just that.

Chrysal Alesco® is highly effective on several ethylene-sensitive crops such as Calathea, Campanula, Dahlia, Dianthus, Hibiscus, New Guinea Impatiens, Lobelia, Pansy, Geranium, Petunia, Rose, Schlumbergera, Rhipsalidopsia, Viola, and Zygocactus. 

For more information about Chrysal Alesco®, please contact:

Chrysal Americas 

Dennis Wheeler

National Sales Manager 

Tel: 800-247-9725 ext. 1200



Chrysal Alesco® Resources

Information Sheets

-             Chrysal Alesco® Sell Sheet

-             Chrysal Alesco® Tech Sheet

-             Chrysal Alesco® Product Sheet

-             Chrysal Alesco® FAQ Sheet


-             Chrysal Alesco® Recorded Webinar

-             Chrysal Alesco® Explained by Syngenta Flowers Dr. Jamie Gibson at Cultivate'22

-             The Effect of Chrysal Alesco® on Lidcactus

-             The Effect of Chrysal Alesco® on Campanula

-             The Effect of Chryscal Alesco® on Pelargonium


Chrysal Alesco® is currently available through the following brokers: 


BFG Supply Co.

Address:14500 Kinsman Rd. P.O. Box 479 Burton, OH 44021 United States

Phone: +1 (800) 883-0234



Express Seed Company

Address: 51051 U.S. Highway 20 Oberlin, OH 44074 United States

Phone: +1 (800) 221-3838



Griffin Greenhouse Supplies, Inc.

Address: 1619 Main Street, Tewksbury, MA 01876 United States

Phone: +1 (800) 888-0054

Fax: (978) 851-0012




Heritage Landscape Supply Group

Address: 7440 State Highway 121, McKinney, TX 75070-2196 United States

Phone: +1 (214) 491-4149

Fax: +1 (214) 491-4156



Southern Agricultural Insecticides, Inc.



Palmetto, Florida Location

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 218 Palmetto, FL 34220 United States

Physical Address: 7400 Bayshore Road Rubonia, FL 34221 United States

Phone: +1 (941) 722-3285

Fax: +1 (941) 723-2974


Boone, North Carolina Location

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 85 Boone, NC 28607 United States

Physical Address: 395 Brookhollow Road Boone, NC 28607 United States

Phone: +1 (828) 264-8843

Fax: +1 (828) 264-5236


Hendersonville, North Carolina Location

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 429 Hendersonville, NC 28793 United States

Physical Address: 511 Maple Street Hendersonville, NC 28792-3752 United States

Phone: +1 (828) 692-2233

Fax: +1 (828) 693-7554

More information

please contact Chrysal USA


Digital Assistant Lily


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