Tips overview

Flower of the Month

Helianthus care tips

The best flower by far to symbolize summer is the sunny Helianthus, known to most of us as the sunflower. Its round head with bright yellow petals makes it perfectly clear why the flower is referred to as sunflower. Did you know that Helianthus comes from the Greek words Helios (sun) and anthos (flower). Originally, all sunflower species originate from North America, with the exception of three species coming from South America. To enjoy your sunflowers longer, be sure to follow our tips below!

The incredible effect of flower food on Sunflowers - read more here

Tips for florists

Hygiene is crucial when working with sunflowers. Make sure your working space is nice and clean and don't forget to clean your tools. Also, to keep your sunflowers in good condition in the store, we recommend using a conditioner like Professional 2 or Chrysal CVBN. If you do, your customers will surely enjoy their flowers a lot longer.


Tips for consumers

  • As sunflowers are sensitive to contamination it is extra important to use a clean vase, preferably made of glass.
  • Cut the stem 2-5 cm with a clean, sharp knife or secateurs.
  • Use Chrysal Clear Universal flower food to keep your sunflowers fresh and beautiful longer.
  • Keep flowers away from draft, heat and direct sunlight.
  • Enjoy these sunny flowers!

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