Tips overview

Flower of the Month

Lily of the valley care tips

This white, sweetly scented flower is quite special. The wonderful lily of the valley bears bell-shaped white flowers and blooms in spring. Natively it could be found in Asia and Europe, but there is also a separate version that stems from North America. The lily of the valley has many names, like Mary’s tears, May Bells and Our Lady’s tears. The flowers are highly poisonous if consumed, for both humans and animals. In France and Belgium it is customary to give a Lily of the valley bouquet to your loved ones on the 1st of May.

Lily of the valley care tips for growers

Proper post-harvest treatment is very important for the lily of the valley. We advise using Chrysal BVB to improve the quality of the flowers and prolong the vase life considerably. It also prevents leaf yellowing. Preferably, growers use this product directly after harvest.

Lily of the valley care tips for florists

A common use for Lily of the valley is in wedding designs. It is also sometimes used in funeral floral arrangements. It can be mixed with other flowers, or used in a mono bouquet for example. It is quite a special flowers, with limited supply and availability. With these tips you will be able to keep the flowers fresh as long as possible in store.

  • Use clean tools and buckets/vases
  • Recut the stems and remove leaves under the water line
  • Use a conditioner like Chrysal Professional 2
  • Provide sufficient flower food to your customers
  • Be sure not to display the flowers in direct sunlight or in a draught

Lily of the valley care tips for consumers

If you want to enjoy your flowers as long as possible you can use the following flower care tips at home:

  • Use a clean vase and fresh cold tap water.
  • Add Chrysal flower food and dose accurately. This will enhance the white colour and better opening of the flowers.
  • Cut 2 – 5 cm from the stem using a clean knife.
  • Make sure there are no leaves in the water.
  • Keep the flowers away from the fruit bowl, heaters, direct sunlight and draughts.
Recommended solutions

Chrysal BVB

Chrysal BVB is a post-harvest treatment designed

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