Tips overview

Common problems

What causes leaf yellowing and how to avoid it?

Leaf yellowing is a sign of insufficient natural plant growth hormones, regulating the production of leaf green in the leaf. Before being cut, the mother plant took care of the production of these hormones. After cutting there is a shortage of these substances due to interrupted ‘juice flow’ from the mother plant.

Leaf yellow is nothing other than loss of “leaf green”, also known as chlorophyll. A number of factors influence the yellowing such as ethylene and light (see table).

Flowers that are susceptible to leaf yellowing:

  • Alstroemeria
  • Erynigum
  • Euphorbia fulgens
  • Helianthus
  • Lilium
  • Mathiola
  • Solidaster
  • Tulipa

To obtain as little leaf yellowing as possible, it is necessary that flowers are treated at the grower’s with products that keep the leaves green. An example of such a product is Chrysal BVB (bulb flower pre-treatment) which improves the leaves and flower longevity. It has good results on alstroemeria, tulips and especially with different types of lilies. We also have a product in tablet form: Chrysal SVB tablet.

What can you do?
Flowercare products used by the grower, trader and florist/retailer can ensure that these shortages are counter acted in order to prevent leaf yellowing. The nutrients in these various products that are used in all phases of the distribution chain make up for this loss.

Post-harvest phase
To obtain as little leaf yellowing as possible, it is necessary that flowers are treated at the grower’s with products

that keep the leaves green. An example of such a product is Chrysal BVB (bulb flower pre-treatment) which maintains foliage colour and also in some cases improves flower longevity. It has good results on alstroemeria, tulips and especially with different types of lilies. We also have a product in tablet form: Chrysal SVB tablet.

Consumer phase
When cut flowers are in a vase at home, leaf yellowing can still occur. This can be prevented by Chrysal Clear bulb flowers food or in case of alstroemeria and lilies with a L&A sachet. This contains substances that keep the leaves green. Florists should provide this sachet with bouquets containing alstroemeria, tulip and lily for example.

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